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  • Privacy Policy | Vincent Systems

    Privacy Policy 1. Datenschutz auf einen Blick Allgemeine Hinweise Die folgenden Hinweise geben einen einfachen Überblick darüber, was mit Ihren personenbezogenen Daten passiert, wenn Sie diese Website besuchen. Personenbezogene Daten sind alle Daten, mit denen Sie persönlich identifiziert werden können. Ausführliche Informationen zum Thema Datenschutz entnehmen Sie unserer unter diesem Text aufgeführten Datenschutzerklärung. Datenerfassung auf dieser Website: Wer ist verantwortlich für die Datenerfassung auf dieser Website? Die Datenverarbeitung auf dieser Website erfolgt durch den Websitebetreiber. Dessen Kontaktdaten können Sie dem Impressum dieser Website entnehmen. Wie erfassen wir Ihre Daten? Ihre Daten werden zum einen dadurch erhoben, dass Sie uns diese mitteilen. Hierbei kann es sich z. B. um Daten handeln, die Sie in ein Kontaktformular eingeben. Andere Daten werden automatisch oder nach Ihrer Einwilligung beim Besuch der Website durch unsere ITSysteme erfasst. Das sind vor allem technische Daten (z. B. Internetbrowser, Betriebssystem oder Uhrzeit des Seitenaufrufs). Die Erfassung dieser Daten erfolgt automatisch, sobald Sie diese Website betreten. Wofür nutzen wir Ihre Daten? Ein Teil der Daten wird erhoben, um eine fehlerfreie Bereitstellung der Website zu gewährleisten. Andere Daten können zur Analyse Ihres Nutzerverhaltens verwendet werden. Welche Rechte haben Sie bezüglich Ihrer Daten? Sie haben jederzeit das Recht, unentgeltlich Auskunft über Herkunft, Empfänger und Zweck Ihrer gespeicherten personenbezogenen Daten zu erhalten. Sie haben außerdem ein Recht, die Berichtigung oder Löschung dieser Daten zu verlangen. Wenn Sie eine Einwilligung zur Datenverarbeitung erteilt haben, können Sie diese Einwilligung jederzeit für die Zukunft widerrufen. Außerdem haben Sie das Recht, unter bestimmten Umständen die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen. Des Weiteren steht Ihnen ein Beschwerderecht bei der zuständigen Aufsichtsbehörde zu. Hierzu sowie zu weiteren Fragen zum Thema Datenschutz können Sie sich jederzeit unter der im Impressum angegebenen Adresse an uns wenden. Analyse-Tools und Tools von Drittanbietern Beim Besuch dieser Website kann Ihr Surf-Verhalten statistisch ausgewertet werden. Das geschieht vor allem mit Cookies und mit sogenannten Analyseprogrammen. Detaillierte Informationen zu diesen Analyseprogrammen finden Sie in der folgenden Datenschutzerklärung. 2. Hosting und Content Delivery Networks (CDN) Externes Hosting Diese Website wird bei einem externen Dienstleister gehostet (Hoster). Die personenbezogenen Daten, die auf dieser Website erfasst werden, werden auf den Servern des Hosters gespeichert. Hierbei kann es sich v.a. um IP-Adressen, Kontaktanfragen, Meta- und Kommunikationsdaten, Vertragsdaten, Kontaktdaten, Namen, Webseitenzugriffe und sonstige Daten, die über eine Website generiert werden, handeln. 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Widerruf Ihrer Einwilligung zur Datenverarbeitung Viele Datenverarbeitungsvorgänge sind nur mit Ihrer ausdrücklichen Einwilligung möglich. Sie können eine bereits erteilte Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen. Dazu reicht eine formlose Mitteilung per E-Mail an uns. Die Rechtmäßigkeit der bis zum Widerruf erfolgten Datenverarbeitung bleibt vom Widerruf unberührt. Widerspruchsrecht gegen die Datenerhebung in besonderen Fällen sowie gegen Direktwerbung (Art. 21 DSGVO) WENN DIE DATENVERARBEITUNG AUF GRUNDLAGE VON ART. 6 ABS. 1 LIT. E ODER F DSGVO ERFOLGT, HABEN SIE JEDERZEIT DAS RECHT, AUS GRÜNDEN, DIE SICH AUS IHRER BESONDEREN SITUATION ERGEBEN, GEGEN DIE VERARBEITUNG IHRER PERSONENBEZOGENEN DATEN WIDERSPRUCH EINZULEGEN; DIES GILT AUCH FÜR EIN AUF DIESE BESTIMMUNGEN GESTÜTZTES PROFILING. DIE JEWEILIGE RECHTSGRUNDLAGE, AUF DENEN EINE VERARBEITUNG BERUHT, ENTNEHMEN SIE DIESER DATENSCHUTZERKLÄRUNG. WENN SIE WIDERSPRUCH EINLEGEN, WERDEN WIR IHRE BETROFFENEN PERSONENBEZOGENEN DATEN NICHT MEHR VERARBEITEN, ES SEI DENN, WIR KÖNNEN ZWINGENDE SCHUTZWÜRDIGE GRÜNDE FÜR DIE VERARBEITUNG NACHWEISEN, DIE IHRE INTERESSEN, RECHTE UND FREIHEITEN ÜBERWIEGEN ODER DIE VERARBEITUNG DIENT DER GELTENDMACHUNG, AUSÜBUNG ODER VERTEIDIGUNG VON RECHTSANSPRÜCHEN (WIDERSPRUCH NACH ART. 21 ABS. 1 DSGVO). WERDEN IHRE PERSONENBEZOGENEN DATEN VERARBEITET, UM DIREKTWERBUNG ZU BETREIBEN, SO HABEN SIE DAS RECHT, JEDERZEIT WIDERSPRUCH GEGEN DIE VERARBEITUNG SIE BETREFFENDER PERSONENBEZOGENER DATEN ZUM ZWECKE DERARTIGER WERBUNG EINZULEGEN; DIES GILT AUCH FÜR DAS PROFILING, SOWEIT ES MIT SOLCHER DIREKTWERBUNG IN VERBINDUNG STEHT. WENN SIE WIDERSPRECHEN, WERDEN IHRE PERSONENBEZOGENEN DATEN ANSCHLIESSEND NICHT MEHR ZUM ZWECKE DER DIREKTWERBUNG VERWENDET (WIDERSPRUCH NACH ART. 21 ABS. 2 DSGVO). 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Mehr Informationen zum Umgang mit Nutzerdaten finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung von Google: Quelle:

  • VINCENTmobile App HOME | Vincent Systems

    Close Ein Tag Schwimmen, Schnorcheln und Stand-up-Paddeln - mit myoelektrischer Handprothese! Von Peter Bisher war ich nie ein guter Schwimmer. War ich im Wasser, hatte ich mehr Spaß am Tauchen und vom Brett springen. Ich kam nie auf die Idee, dass es mit meiner VINCENTevolution4 möglich wäre zu kraulen oder Wassersport zu treiben, bis Stefan Schulz, der CEO von Vincent Systems, fragte, ob ich etwas Neues auszuprobieren wolle. Er hätte ein neues Produkt, mit dem ich mit Prothese ins Wasser könnte. - Klar, die Neugier siegte und ehe ich mich versah, wurde mein Schaft mit der Neoprenstulpe VINCENTaqua „wasserfest gemacht“. Die VINCENTevolution4 ist ohnehin wasserdicht. Station 1: Freibad! Nachdem wir die Neoprenstulpe übergezogen hatten, ging es direkt ins Wasser. Den Anfang machte das Kraulschwimmen. Zunächst war ich unsicher. Ich machte mir Gedanken, ob der Schaft es unbeschadet überstehen würde. Mir war nicht bekannt, dass jemals jemand mit einer myoelektrischen Handprothese im Wasser war und diese danach noch funktionierte. Als ich mich aber ganz ins Wasser wagte und merkte, dass ich die Hand noch ansteuern konnte, obwohl der Schaft komplett unter Wasser war, waren alle Zweifel beseitigt. Die Hand ließ sich steuern wie im Trockenen. Das Kraulen mit Prothese fühlte sich zunächst ungewohnt an – aber irgendwie gut. Die Prothesenhand steuerte ich in die natürliche Griffstellung. Das war ähnlich, wie ich meine Hand zum Schwimmen formte. Und tatsächlich fühlten sich die Schwimmbewegungen von Beginn an intuitiv an. Sie kamen wie von allein. Station 2: Baggersee! Meine Hand und die Neoprenstulpe haben die Schutzklasse IP68. Das ist für eine myoelektrische Handprothese derzeit einzigartig. Es bedeutet, dass die Technik eine Wassertiefe von 1,5 m für eine halbe Stunde aushält. Das wollte ich nun ausprobieren! Die Flossen, lernte ich unsanft, zieht man besser erst im Wasser an. Mit beiden Händen konnte ich das Flossenband über die Ferse ziehen und meine Taucherbrille ausrichten. Stefan und ich begannen zu schnorcheln und dann auch abzutauchen. Ich schaffte knapp zwei Meter. Sogar unter Wasser konnte ich die Prothese noch ansteuern und Stefan ein Handzeichen geben: Alles ok. Nach dem gelungenen Tauchgang starteten wir mit Stand-up-Paddling. Hier musste ich erst die Balance finden, um nicht vom Board zu fallen und eine geeignete Handstellung für die Prothese suchen, um das Paddel sicher zu halten. Nach kurzer Zeit war ich in der Lage, das Board sicher zu steuern. Es machte großen Spaß! Alles in allem war ich positiv überrascht, wie intuitiv ich die Prothese im, am und unter Wasser nutzen konnte, ohne mir Gedanken darüber zu machen, ob sie das durchhält. Es war ein Tag voller neuer Erfahrungen, durch die für mich eine Barriere weggebrochen ist. Was die VINCENTevolution4 mit Robustheit und Alltagstauglichkeit leistet, ist definitiv ein neues Level. Sie macht den Kopf frei von Einschränkungen, die bisher für mich zum Alltag gehört haben.

  • Events | Vincent Systems

    Events OTWorld 2024 REHAB 2023 VINCENT Symposium 2023 LVampNRW 10th anniversary OTWorld 2022 VINCENT Symposium 2019

  • Vincent Systems GmbH | Awards

    Seit nun mittlerweile über 10 Jahren steht die Marke Vincent Systems für hochklassige qualitative Handprothesen, die stetig unter dem Aspekt weiterentwickelt werden und hierfür bereits mehrfach ausgezeichnet wurde. Awards

  • VINCENTpower flex USB-C | Vincent Systems

    VINCENTpower flex USB-C USB-C Charger The VINCENTpower flex USB-C makes it possible for the first time to charge a hand prosthesis easily via a USB port. What has been a matter of course for mobile devices of all kinds for many years is now also finding its way into prosthetics. With its robust and simple handling, the USB-C charging port is the ideal charging access. The prosthesis wearer only needs one charger for their prosthesis and other mobile devices such as smartphones or tablet PCs with the VINCENTpower USB power supply, certified as a medical device according to IEC 60601-1. In addition to the classic USB power supply, mobile energy storage devices such as our VINCENTpowerbank with a capacity of 10,000 mAh, but also solar cells or inductive charging systems can be used to charge the batteries. Charging via USB creates almost unlimited freedom of movement in terms of time and place for handling the prosthesis. You can focus on more important things than the next charging. Flexible LiPo cells The new battery system features LiPo cells whose shape can be adapted to the prosthesis stem. Unlike conventional LiPo cells, the individual cells, which were specially developed for this application and are only 4 mm high, can be plastically molded. They also differ from other battery cells in terms of their material and manufacturing process. The moldable LiPo battery cells are produced exclusively for Vincent Systems GmbH according to our specifications. The design has been patented by our company. Development and production are always carried out, tested and certified according to all required standards. Output voltage, protective circuit and polarity are identical to all common battery systems used in prosthetics. The 2-cell LiPo battery systems are compatible and safe to use with almost all hand prosthesis systems from common manufacturers available on the market - the only exceptions are hand systems or grippers with a higher battery voltage. This product is also available for technicians who have not yet received a VINCENT certificate. Flyer VINCENTpower flex USB-C

  • Fluidhand9 | Vincent Systems

    2006 - Fluidhand 9 Up The Fluidhand 9 has 5 drives of different sizes. The base joints of the index finger and middle finger are equipped with stronger drives. The elastic fluid tank is located in the wrist. When the fingers are emptied, they are stretched and the fluid is pumped from the finger joints into the elastic tank in the wrist, bending the wrist and opening the hand further. The pump is noise-isolated and free-swinging in a CFRP tank; valves and controls are located in the metacarpus, which is completely covered with CFRP. The thumb with a drive in the base pivots between flat hand and opposition position to the three-point grip. For reasons of optimizing speed and tank size, separate drives for the ring and little fingers were omitted, but these two long fingers are actively moved by coupling with the base joint of the middle finger. The control valve for the thumb drive is located in the distal thumb phalanx. The wrist with a 4-pole coaxial insert is compatible with all stem systems, control is via two EMG sensors, and it is possible to switch between several grip types by means of short switching signals. This last version of the Fluidhand for the time being also features a Bluetooth interface for mobile devices as well as a vibrotactile sense of touch. The Fluidhand 8 is currently the last further development of the multi-articulating hydraulic hand based on flexible fluid actuators. The aim of this hand version was to provide a pre-product ready for series production for a hand prosthesis commercially available on the fitting component market and to convince potentially interested parties of the development for marketing. The bionic hand prosthesis, which is already suitable for everyday use, was manufactured and tested in a small series. It is thus the first bionic multi-articulating hand prosthesis and also the first hydraulic hand prosthesis.

  • Vincent Systems GmbH | Handprothese | Karlsruhe

    Die Vincent Systems GmbH ist spezialisiert auf die Entwicklung medizintechnischer Systeme in der Prothetik. VINCENTevolution5 More Information we love perfection waterproof to IP67 | extremely light movable single fingers First multiarticulating hand prosthesis for children and young adults VINCENTyoung3+ waterproof to IP68 multifuntion display | customizable VINCENTevolution5 waterproof to IP68 | active partial hand system | individually adaptable VINCENTpartial4 more videos VINCENTpartial passive VINCENTwork VINCENTpower flex USB-C VINCENTwrist Software Accesories neo1 Exoskeleton VINCENTvr Training system Innovationen INNOVATIONS neo1 - World's first under-clothing myoelectric exoskeleton for the upper limb With neo1, Vincent Systems presents the breakthrough myoelectric exoskeleton designed specifically for users with limited upper extremity functionality, especially to compensate for paralysis caused by stroke and plexus injuries. This innovative technology uses advanced myoelectric control in conjunction with powerful micromotors in the elbow and hand areas to help users with their mobility and independence challenges due to their limitations. VINCENTaqua – waterproof neoprene cuff Swimming or stand-up paddling with a prosthetic hand? No problem! With the custom-made neoprene cuff your prosthetic socket is protected from water.* Available in classic black or with printed wave design in blue, green or violet. VINCENTevolution4 available in 25 different color combinations! Five different base colors give the VINCENTevolution4 an individual and unique design. The colors black, white, pearl white, transparent and natural are available in combination with four different metallic colors and titan. A colour change of the coloured silicone parts is possible at any time. METALLIC COLOURS: black | gold | blue | copper VINCENTevolution4 and VINCENTevolution3+ When it comes to evolution, we are right at the forefront. With the VINCENTevolution4, we have launched the next generation of our most popular myolelectric full hand prostheses. With a new design and new features such as the “squeezable” fingers and optionally the unique 4-channel control, it is our first IP68 waterproof hand prosthesis. Users of the VINCENTevolution3 also have the option of a water protection upgrade as VINCENTevolution3+. VINCENTyoung3 available in four colors Germany's most popular hand prosthesis for children and young adults is now available not only in black, but also in the following special colors: powder blue | natural | blackberry NEWS News On 03.12.2024, we welcomed Dr. Susanne Heynen, local councillor of the city of Karlsruhe, and Mr. Alexander Salomon, member of the Baden-Württemberg state parliament, from Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, to Vincent Systems. As part of their visit, the guests had the opportunity to get to know our company and our innovative products and to immerse themselves in the field of modern high-tech prosthetics. The open and lively exchange about current challenges and future prospects of innovative medical technology companies in the region in an international environment was particularly pleasing. Many thanks for the interest and the valuable discussions and we are looking forward to continue the dialog with political representatives in order to jointly set impulses for sustainable developments. Visit from Mr. Alexander Salomon Dr. Susanne Heynen 03.12.2024 VIDEOS Videos Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Now Playing "Schmerzen waren unerträglich": Leben nach einer Hand-Amputation | Abendschau | BR24 05:01 Play Video Now Playing Wie lebt man ohne Arm? 09:03 Play Video Now Playing GLOBAL 2021 - Außenwirtschaftspreis der TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe 02:23 Play Video User Videos Play Video Play Video Peter VINCENTevolution4 Play Video Play Video David VINCENTevolution4 Play Video Play Video Tim VINCENTevolution3 Play Video Play Video Britta VINCENTevolution3 Play Video Play Video Leon VINCENTevolution3 Play Video Play Video Jon VINCENTpartial2 Play Video Play Video Mathias VINCENTwork Play Video Play Video Sören VINCENTevolution2 Play Video Play Video Paul VINCENTevolution2

  • Fluidhand6 | Vincent Systems

    2003 - Fluidhand 6 Up The Fluidhand 6 is a particularly compact version of the hydraulic hand prosthesis, reduced to the essentials. The index, middle and ring fingers are each moved in the base joint via a flexible bellows drive, the little finger is mechanically coupled to the ring finger, and the middle finger is hydraulically coupled to the ring finger. The thumb is actuated in the basic joint. In this way, the thumb and index finger can be moved separately, while the other fingers move together. The 4 drives are controlled by a 3 valve bank, the miniature pump sucks distilled water from a pressure storage tank to pump it into the drive chambers. The weight of the hand is about 350 g. The aluminum fingers were covered with a PU foam. In the basic joints, all long fingers have an elastically mounted abduction. At this stage of development, experiments were carried out with different variants of the fluid hand, with the number of joints and drives as well as the required valves being varied considerably. The aim was to find an optimum between size, anatomical design and weight on the one hand and functionality on the other. Extremely reduced versions with only 4 drives and three valves, such as the Fluidhand 6, were built, which could be designed in this way to be very small, light and anatomical. This version of the Fluidhand is a particularly interesting candidate for a robust prosthesis suitable for everyday use, since the smallest number of hydraulic components was installed here. The systems are very light throughout, but also very complex in terms of the physical effects that occur, such as cavitation or the problem of changing material parameters, especially the elastic drives and connecting hoses in the course of operation, as well as wear and corrosion on the valves and the pump. Up

  • VINCENTaqua | Vincent Systems

    VINCENTaqua - waterproof neoprene sleeve Splash-water protection for the prosthetic socket for forearm fittings: Protects against splash-water, running water and temporary submersion*. The sleeve is made of neoprene with a textile surface and is individually custom-made. Available in black or with printed wave design in blue, green or violet. *When used properly for a max. of 1 hour in max. 1 m deep water. Flyer VINCENTaqua VINCENTaqua we love perfection

  • Fluidhand8 | Vincent Systems

    2005 - Fluidhand 8 Up The Fluidhand 8 has 8 drives that are controlled via 5 valves. The bellows in the index finger and middle finger are each hydraulically coupled with each other, and the drives of the ring and little fingers are also connected with each other via a common valve. The special feature of this further development is that the metacarpus has been replaced by a hermetically sealed pressure body. Inside the metacarpus is an elastic tank in the form of a diaphragm, in which both the drive medium (vegetable oil) and the control electronics, valves and pump are integrated; all system components "float" permanently in the drive medium. Between the pressure body shell and the diaphragm there is again a two-phase gas with a constant pressure of 2 bar. The integrated design allows any space reserves in the metacarpus to be used as a fluid reservoir, while at the same time forming a maximum gas volume for preloading the hydraulic tank. The pump can draw directly from the environment and the pump, valves and electronics are optimally cooled by the surrounding liquid. The design makes the hand very compact and at the same time extremely stable. Due to the very flat metacarpus of 30 mm and the short design, the hand achieves an anatomical shape and with only 410 g it is particularly light. The Quicksnap wrist closure makes the prosthesis compatible with all stem systems and their power supply. The prosthesis is controlled by two EMG electrodes integrated in the prosthesis socket. Simple trigger switching signals can be used to switch between pre-programmed grips and the grips can then be controlled proportionally. For the first time, a sense of touch has also been integrated into the prosthesis. The grasping force measured on the index finger via a sensor is transmitted to the system controller, which activates a vibration motor on the hand that transmits coded information to the prosthesis wearer about the force applied. In addition, the Fluidhand 8 serves as a test platform for new prosthesis controls such as grip pattern recognition or motion control using 3D sensors, research areas on which the research center has been working intensively as part of the Fluidhand development. Up

  • VINCENTvr Training system | Vincent Systems

    VINCENTvr VR based training system Vincent Systems harnesses the potential of virtual reality (VR) not only for hand prostheses but also for their exoskeleton systems. Using VR as a training system, individuals can practice controlling and maneuvering the exoskeleton or prosthesis, allowing them to become familiar with its functionality in a virtual environment before using it in real-life situations. Furthermore, VR serves as an effective tool for rehabilitation. By creating virtual scenarios that mimic daily activities, patients can undergo targeted training sessions, improving their motor skills and enhancing their ability to perform tasks. Additionally, virtual mirror training in VR for phantom limb pain treatment enables users to visualize the movement of their impaired limbs in conjunction with their healthy hand’s motions. This helps patients retrain their neural pathways, facilitating the integration of the exoskeleton into their body schema and promoting a more intuitive and natural movement. By immersing patients in virtual environments and providing sensory feedback, the system helps alleviate the sensation of pain in the absent limb. Vincent Systems' integration of VR into exoskeleton and prosthesis training, rehabilitation, and mirror training offers a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking to enhance their mobility and regain independence. The combination of cutting-edge technology and immersive experiences paves the way for improved outcomes in the field of prosthesis and orthosis control as well as rehabilitation.

  • Datenschutzinformationen | Vincent Systems

    Privacy Policy Bei der Zusendung Ihrer Bewerbungsunterlagen werden Ihre Bewerber- und Bewerbungsdaten von uns zur Abwicklung des Bewerbungsverfahrens elektronisch erhoben und verarbeitet. Rechtsgrundlage für diese Verarbeitung ist § 26 Abs. 1 S. 1 BDSG i.V.m. Art. 88 Abs. 1 DSGVO. Sofern nach dem Bewerbungsverfahren ein Arbeitsvertrag geschlossen wird, speichern wir Ihre bei der Bewerbung übermittelten Daten in Ihrer Personalakte zum Zwecke des üblichen Organisations- und Verwaltungsprozesses – dies natürlich unter Beachtung der weitergehenden rechtlichen Verpflichtungen. Rechtsgrundlage für diese Verarbeitung ist ebenfalls § 26 Abs. 1 S. 1 BDSG i.V.m. Art. 88 Abs. 1 DSGVO. Bei der Zurückweisung einer Bewerbung löschen wir die uns übermittelten Daten automatisch drei Monate nach der Bekanntgabe der Zurückweisung. Rechtsgrundlage ist in diesem Fall Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO und § 24 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 BDSG. Unser berechtigtes Interesse liegt in der Rechtsverteidigung bzw. -durchsetzung. Sofern Sie ausdrücklich in eine längere Speicherung Ihrer Daten einwilligen, bspw. für Ihre Aufnahme in eine Bewerber- oder Interessentendatenbank, werden die Daten aufgrund Ihrer Einwilligung weiterverarbeitet. Rechtsgrundlage ist dann Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a) DSGVO. Ihre Einwilligung können Sie aber natürlich jederzeit nach Art. 7 Abs. 3 DSGVO durch Erklärung uns gegenüber mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen.

  • Fluidhand3 | Vincent Systems

    2000 - Fluidhand 3 Up With the third generation of the Fluidhand, Schulz transferred the technology of flexible fluid actuators to a hand prosthesis. To achieve higher grasping forces, the drives were modified for grasping even heavy objects. The unfolded silicone tubes reinforced with fabric were replaced by miniature folded bellows, which in turn were encased in fabric and attached to aluminum joints in the folds by nylon threads to keep their shape. Three drive elements in each finger, with the two distal bellows coupled together, and two drives in the thumb allow 14 joint axes to move in this hand, equivalent to 14 DOF at 10 iDOF. The fluid actuators were driven by means of miniature hydraulics. The control system, consisting of pump, valve, electronics, sensors and tank, was connected to the prosthesis via a hose approximately 1 m long. The hydraulic unit was the size of a portable telephone and was worn on the belt. The load-bearing structure of the prosthetic hand was modeled on the skeleton of the human hand. The radiating metacarpal bones, which merge into the long fingers, are moveably mounted in the carpus, and spring elements are located between the metacarpal bones to elastically stretch the metacarpus. This design achieves a naturally acting passive abduction of the long fingers, with a positive effect on the adaptability of the hand during grasping and on the natural feel of the hand. The bellows drives are inflated with fluid, usually water, at a pressure of up to 6bar when a finger joint is moved. The expanding bellows thereby flexes the finger joint. The extension of the joint is achieved partly by the suction of the drive, partly by an additional elastic restoring band. The weight of the prosthesis is 190g, the grasping force on the finger is approx. 5N. In this prosthesis functional sample, all fingers were simultaneously filled and deflated via the hydraulic hose to investigate hand function and adaptive grasping. As a cosmetic cover and to create a functional surface, a customized latex glove was fabricated. A first functional sample was successfully tested at the Orthopedic University Hospital in Heidelberg. Schulz, by now head of an interdisciplinary research group, was now able to establish work on a hand prosthesis as a program-oriented research priority. Up

  • Fluidhand4 | Vincent Systems

    2001 - Fluidhand 4 Up The Fluidhand 4 has 10 flexible bellows drives, each of which, when pressurized, angles an aluminum joint by 90 degrees. Stretching is achieved by suction of the drive medium and by additional elastic bands. Each long finger has two drives that are fluidically coupled to each other and each leads to a common control valve in the metacarpus. The thumb has two individually movable drives, each of which is actuated by a separate valve. The drive medium is water. This hand prosthesis operates hydraulically for the first time. A miniature pump draws the fluid from an elastic reservoir in the forearm and pumps it at up to 6 bar via the valve bank into the bellows drive chambers. The pump and valves are controlled by a microprocessor in the hand, and the prosthesis wearer gives the control commands via myoelectric sensors. The skeletal structure of the prosthesis is made entirely of aluminum. The long fingers are flexibly mounted in the base in the direction of abduction. The unique combination of flexible fluid actuators and a mobile miniature hydraulic system in a myoelectrically controlled hand prosthesis opens up new possibilities in prosthetic fitting. The mechanical properties of the drives are already soft and flexible, making them ideal for adaptive grasping analogous to the human hand. Since the internal pressure is also distributed evenly in a hydraulic system, an ideal form fit to gripped objects is achieved. The grip thus adapts to an object independently and creates a maximally large contact surface, with the result that only very little grasping force is required to keep an object extraordinarily stable. The use of a hydraulic system has another advantage, which has a particularly positive effect on the mobility and weight of a prosthesis. The flexible fluid actuators are in themselves very small and lightweight drives. In the hydraulic pump, the electrical energy of the prosthesis battery is converted into kinetic energy. Only one pump is needed for the entire prosthesis system. The pump is the heaviest system component, but it can be positioned anywhere on the prosthesis because it is only connected to the valve bank and the drives via a flexible pressure hose. For optimal weight distribution in the prosthesis, the pump is placed as proximally to the arm as possible. Since all joints of my prosthesis are usually never moved at the same time, the pump size can be sized for a smaller number of drives. The grip selection is made using a reduced Morse code. A distinction is made between a long and a short myoelectric signal, with two consecutive signals considered at a time. User-defined settings as well as grip training are performed via a Bluetooth-connected pocket computer (precursor to the smartphone). The CFRP stem (Frühauf Handprothetik) and the lifelike silicone cosmetic (Pohlig Orthopädietechnik) create for the first time the combination of a multiarticulating functional hand and a habitus prosthesis. Up

  • Development history | Vincent Systems

    History of the Fluidhand and the VINCENTevolution 1998 Fluidhand 1 thin foil soft robot hand with 5DOF, 5iDOF This first soft hand consists of thin foil layers, which have been joined together to form more complex drives in a sandwich construction. Five fingers, built up from 6 foil layers each, functionally welded in pairs, with the middle two foils forming the skeletal structure filled with epoxy resin. The outer two foil layers each form a fluidic muscle. For this purpose, two thin films were welded together in such a manner that chambers were formed in a row and connected to each other. When this structure is inflated with a gas or liquid, it contracts by about 20% of its length, similar to the natural muscle, and the finger curls up like a bow. Read more 1999 Fluidhand 2 silicon tube soft sobot hand with 16DOF, 11iDOF The new planar technology for manufacturing fluidic drives and kinematics was therefore ideally suited for actively moving miniature catheters and endoscopes. However, the forces achievable with planar film drives, which operate at a working pressure of 0.5-1 bar, were too low for the construction of an artificial hand. To generate higher grasping forces, a correspondingly higher working pressure had to act in the fluidic drives. For Fluidhand 2, “artificial muscles” based on thin silicone hoses were therefore used, which were sheathed with a flexurally flexible, stretch-resistant fabric made of polyamide. Read more 2000 Fluidhand 3 rubber bulg soft hand prosthesis with 10DOF, 1iDOF With the third generation of the Fluidhand, Schulz transferred the technology of flexible fluid actuators to a hand prosthesis. To achieve higher grasping forces, the drives were modified for grasping even heavy objects. The unfolded silicone tubes reinforced with fabric were replaced by miniature folded bellows, which in turn were encased in fabric and attached to aluminum joints in the folds by nylon threads to keep their shape. Three drive elements in each finger, with the two distal bellows coupled together, and two drives in the thumb allow 14 joint axes to move in this hand, equivalent to 14 DOF at 10 iDOF. The fluid actuators were driven by means of miniature hydraulics. The control system, consisting of pump, valve, electronics, sensors and tank, was connected to the prosthesis via a hose approximately 1 m long. The hydraulic unit was the size of a portable telephone and was worn on the belt. Read more 2001 Fluidhand 4 rubber bulg soft hand prosthesis with 10DOF, 6iDOF The Fluidhand 4 has 10 flexible bellows drives, each of which, when pressurized, angles an aluminum joint by 90 degrees. Stretching is achieved by suction of the drive medium and by additional elastic bands. Each long finger has two drives that are fluidically coupled to each other and each leads to a common control valve in the metacarpus. The thumb has two individually movable drives, each of which is actuated by a separate valve. The drive medium is water. This hand prosthesis operates hydraulically for the first time. A miniature pump draws the fluid from an elastic reservoir in the forearm and pumps it at up to 6 bar via the valve bank into the bellows drive chambers. The pump and valves are controlled by a microprocessor in the hand, and the prosthesis wearer gives the control commands via myoelectric sensors. Read more 2002 Fluidhand 5 rubber bulg soft handprosthesis with 8DOF, 5iDOF The Fluidhand 5 was designed with the aim of integrating all system components of miniature hydraulics into the metacarpals in order to make the hand compatible with established socket systems. The prosthesis can be connected to all standard prosthetic sockets via a quicksnap wrist. Both the myoelectric sensors and the energy storage of the socket are used. The pump, fluid tank, valve bank and controller are located in and on the metacarpus. With the reduction in tank size, the number of fluidic drive was reduced to 8. The ring finger and little finger are flexed over one drive each. In the weight-optimized frame in sandwich construction, the elastic finger abduction was integrated. Five valves control the 8 drives of the hand, with the ring, little and middle fingers being hydraulically connected to each other. Read more 2003 Fluidhand 6 rubber bulg soft handprosthesis with 4DOF, 3iDOF The Fluidhand 6 is a particularly compact version of the hydraulic hand prosthesis, reduced to the essentials. The index, middle and ring fingers are each moved in the base joint via a flexible bellows drive, the little finger is mechanically coupled to the ring finger, and the middle finger is hydraulically coupled to the ring finger. The thumb is actuated in the basic joint. In this way, the thumb and index finger can be moved separately, while the other fingers move together. The 4 drives are controlled by a 3 valve bank, the miniature pump sucks distilled water from a pressure storage tank to pump it into the drive chambers. The weight of the hand is about 350 g. The aluminum fingers were covered with a PU foam. In the basic joints, all long fingers have an elastically mounted abduction. Weiter lesen 2004 Fluidhand 7 rubber bulg soft handprosthesis with 8DOF, 8iDOF The Fluidhand 7 is designed as an experimental hand. It is used to develop new control methods and to test a new tank system that is capable of storing energy. The hand therefore has one valve for each of the 8 drives. A type of spring accumulator was developed for the hydraulic tank, which allows the hand to be closed quickly and silently without the hydraulic pump operating. Due to the large number of new and experimental components, the metacarpus has turned out to be significantly larger than the previous model, but at this stage of development, the anatomical shape and size of the hand is not a priority. Read more 2005 Fluidhand 8 rubber bulg soft handprosthesis with 8DOF, 4iDOF The Fluidhand 8 has 8 drives that are controlled via 5 valves. The bellows in the index finger and middle finger are each hydraulically coupled with each other, and the drives of the ring and little fingers are also connected with each other via a common valve. The special feature of this further development is that the metacarpus has been replaced by a hermetically sealed pressure body. Inside the metacarpus is an elastic tank in the form of a diaphragm, in which both the drive medium (vegetable oil) and the control electronics, valves and pump are integrated; all system components "float" permanently in the drive medium. Between the pressure body shell and the diaphragm there is again a two-phase gas with a constant pressure of 2 bar. Read more 2006 Fluidhand 9 rubber bulg soft handprosthesis with 5DOF, 5iDOF The Fluidhand 9 has 5 drives of different sizes. The base joints of the index finger and middle finger are equipped with stronger drives. The elastic fluid tank is located in the wrist. When the fingers are emptied, they are stretched and the fluid is pumped from the finger joints into the elastic tank in the wrist, bending the wrist and opening the hand further. The pump is noise-isolated and free-swinging in a CFRP tank; valves and controls are located in the metacarpus, which is completely covered with CFRP. The thumb with a drive in the base pivots between flat hand and opposition position to the three-point grip. Read more Current products

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